Recent changes in the service

25.04.2024. The version 10.0 of the voice notebook extension has been released. Check the extension settings (they will not preserve by this update).

06.03.2024. Dark mode is implemented for page. It works for users with Premium or Extended features and can be turned on on the user profile page.

09.11.2023. Updated Mac integration module. It works now in Mac Intel and Silicon.

17.02.2021. A button Start with capital has been added. If the button is pressed – each voice sentence will start with capital letter.

26.01.2021. Long text selection can not be replaced by voice now.

21.09.2020. Due to closing Yandex free translation service Voicenotebook translation module is closed and removed from UI.

10.06.2020. Changes in the Real-time captioning utility. To actualize new script (old may stay in browser cache) open and refresh it.

15.05.2020. Word counter button (“123”) added.

04.01.2019. Integration with Mac OS added.

08.09.2018. Small design changes in the voice notebook – made file name field.

23.08.2018. Voice notebook App for iOS has been released.

27.04.2018. Updated extension. In version 9.8 for the shortcut start/stop recording, the default entry is set to global scope (not just Chrome).

25.04.2018. Voice commands Pause and Continue added.

30.10.2017. A new setting of the notebook Pause in speech is entered. The setting can be made visible on the UI setting page in the user’s account. It sets the amount of pause in the speech, to trigger the transfer of text to the output field.

28.10.2017. “Time correction” checkbox added to transcription panel. The checkbox controls the alignment of time boundaries while converting to Youtube subtitle format (sometimes the next time interval started before the end of previous one).

19.09.2017. Implemented batch mode in transcribing audio and video files.

31.08.2017. Rewind and fast forward buttons added to transcription panel.

17.08.2017. The domain of the Voice notebook site changed from to

22.05.2017. A version of voice notebook for Android has been issued.

17.03.2017. Ability to store captions in real-time captioning has been added.

19.01.2017. A Cut button added. The button is hidden by default, you can make it visible in the user UI setting page. Version 9.0 of the extension released to reflect this change.

29.11.2016. Changed time labels format in transcription results.

21.11.2016. The setting Number of symbols before restart is now disabled and hidden.

05.11.2016. Updated Linux integration module . Severe bug has been resolved.

29.09.2016. A playback rate control added to the transcription panel.

How to update Voice Notebook

The extension is updated automatically.

When the scripts on the site are updated, you may need to refresh your pages (press F5), because the scripts may be cached on your side.

The integration module is not updated automatically, so you must download the zip archive from /blog/windows-integration/ and replace the old ru-speechpad-host.exe file by the new one.

4 thoughts on “Recent changes in the service

  1. Fred

    How do I access ‘extended features’? I want to transcribe recordings longer than 15 minutes. There is nothing in any of the documentation or posts I read that mentions a time limit.
    A pop-up window said I needed ‘extended features’ if I want to transcribe recordings longer than 15 minutes.

    I created a log-in, but I still get the same pop-up message.

    What else do I need to do?

    1. admin Post author

      When you are signed, click on the link User account (orange link) and you will be go to user profile page. Here you can try these extented features for two days or make order for them.

  2. Fred

    Aha! Found it, thank you. You might consider mentioning this limitation on the home page, it would reduce frustration and encourage people to subscribe.


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